Ruby Bute painting at her home
Background & Poetry
Ruby was born in Aruba of St. Maarten parents. She was raised in an area called the Village which was home to settlers who worked at the Lago oil refinery. In the early 70’s, Ruby moved to St. Maarten, her parents’ homeland. Self-taught, Ruby has painted since the age of 6 but it was not until the age of 40, she had her first one-woman show in 1983, it was the first one woman show on the island of St. Maarten.
She also became the first woman in St. Martin to publish a book of poetry, 'Golden Voices of S’maatin' in 1989, published by House of Nehesi Publishers. The book is a moving tribute to the rich and long oral tradition of St. Martin and the Caribbean islands, a tradition that permeates the identity of its people and shapes everything.
Her second collection of poetry, 'Floral Bouquets to the Daughters of Eve'(1995) by Columbia Publishers (USA), focuses on the lives and roles of women, whose existence is extolled in beautiful, mellow descriptions of even in the most challenging moments.
Ruby Bute reading her poetry at opening of 'Colombier Tradition' rum shop in Marigot, St. Martin
2 Books of poetry by Ruby Bute - ‘Golden Voices of S’maarten’ & ‘Floral Bouquets to the Daughters of Eve’. order here
A Royal Decoration
Ruby worked actively in cultural activities on the island and abroad: story-telling, art workshops, summer camps for children etc., working for a time with inmates at the prison. In 2005, Bute was decorated by her Majesty, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and has since been an honorable Member of the House of Orange-Nassau. Today, she is one of St. Martin's leading painters, an acclaimed poet and a dedicated art-teacher. Exhibitions of Ruby Bute’s paintings are regularly held in St. Martin, Amsterdam and other cities in Holland, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and Saba. Her works are owned by collectors in St. Maarten, the Caribbean, Europe and the United States.
Ruby chatting with her Majesty, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands at an art exhibition in Great Bay, St. Maarten
In her enduring career as an artist, Ruby has used an array of media, from oils to watercolors, pastels, acrylics, and recently studying the Renaissance 'mische technique', (a blend of egg/oil tempera). The artist describes herself as an artist, a philosopher and a dreamer which she accurately displays in her vibrant canvasses, her poems, and her melodious and rhythmical voice when she story-tells. Her bright strong expressive canvases, build a comprehensive narrative of life and culture and the traditions of St. Maarten from touching portraits of musicians, dancers, children, workers, mothers, market vendors, carnival troupes, and particularly the life and love experiences of the women.
Video: Interview with Ruby Bute, with Jason Antonia
The Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery
Ruby Bute has earned a reputation, above all for her warm chronicling of island life. A self-trained and highly successful artist as well as a well-loved teacher, she spends time painting in her studio and running her gallery, the 'Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery', situated at her home in Friars Bay and home to one of the islands oldest, ancient Silk-Cotton trees. The gallery was opened in 2009 and has welcomed many visitors. It houses a permanent exhibition of Ruby’s artwork and fine art prints and also the artwork of several local artists. The gallery regularly hosts art exhibitions and cultural day events are also held on the estate.
Ruby enjoying & relaxing with her family and local traditional musicians, beneath the ancient silk cotton tree at her home in Friars Bay, St.Martin
Ruby Bute and the ‘Ruby Wednesday’ Artists Group at her home.
Solo Exhibitions
2009- 'Tales of the Silk Cotton Tree', Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery, St. Martin
2009- ‘A Night With Ruby’, Opening of the Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery, St.Martin.
2000- ‘Floral Bouquets to the Daughters of Eve’, San Francisco, Columbia.
1996- ‘Art Invasion ’96’, Philipsburg, St.Maarten.
1993- ‘Pastel Celebrations’, Arts & Crafts Village, Mullet Bay, St.Maarten.
1993- ‘5th Annual Exhibition’. Park Place Gallery, St.Eustatius.
1991- Gala di Arte. Maduro & Curiel’s Bank, Curacao.
1989- ‘Golden Voices of St. Maarten’, House of Nehesi Publishers, Philipsburg, St. Maarten
1986- Nieuwe Kerk, Netherlands.
1985- ‘Department of Culture Exhibition’, Cultural Center, St. Martin.
1985- Windward Island Bank, Philipsburg, St.Maarten.
1985- ‘Ruby-One Woman Show’, Little Bay Beach Hotel, St. Maarten.
Group Exhibitions
2015- 'The Harmony of Colors', Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery, St.Martin.
2013- 'New Beginnings', Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery, St.Martin.
2012- June 1st- ‘The Gentleman & His Coat’ – cultural dress show. Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery. St.Martin.
2012- May- ‘Poetry Recital’, St. Maarten, St. Martin Border Monument.
2011- Jan ‘Storytelling (Gallery Visit}’, Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery, St. Martin.
2010- June ‘The Lady & Her Dress’ –cultural dress show, Silk Cotton Grove Art Gallery, St.Martin.
2007- 'Bonaire Art Day', Fundashon pa Arte i Kultura, Bonaire.
2000- '5th Carifesta'-Caribbean Festival of Arts, St. Kitts & Nevis.
2000- ‘Art Invasion 2000’, Antoine Restaurant, Marigot, St. Martin.
1997- ‘Stations of the Cross’, Catholic Church, Marigot, St.Martin.
1997- Biennial, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
1996- ‘Art at McDonalds’, McDonalds, Philipsburg, St.Maarten.
1994- Park Place Gallery. Oranjestad, St.Eustatius. 1994- ‘Caribbean Art Travel Exhibition’, International Exhibition.
1993- ‘Ruby & Friends’, Maho Reef Resort, St.Maarten.
1991- Bibliotheque Municipale, Marigot, St.Martin.
1982- ‘SMAFSTAC’, St.Martin.
Achievements & Awards
2012- 'A Poetry Recital at the Border'
2011- 'Storytelling & Gallery Visit'
2000- 'Floral Bouquets to the Daughters of Eve', Columbia Publishers, San Francisco, USA.
1989- 'Golden Voices of S'maatin', House of Nehesi Publishers, Philipsburg, St. Maarten
Illustrated Publications
2000- Cover Artwork and inside illustrations: 'Floral Boquets to the Daughters of Eve Columbia Publishers, San Francisco, USA.
1998-< Cover Artwork and inside illustrations: 'Golden Voices of S'maatin', House of Nehesi Publishers, Philipsburg, St. Maarten.
1996- Illustration work: 'Its Time for a Change'- by N. E. Erna Mae Francis. E. Francis Global Enterprise, Cole bay, St. Maarten.
1996-1997- Illustration Artwork: 'National Symbols of St. Martin- A Primer'. by Lasana. M. Sekou. House of Nehesi Publishers. Philipsburg, St. Maarten.
Selected Articles
2011 June- 'Ruby Bute', Pure Lige Style magazine launching.
2000 Oct- 'Golden Voices Re-Published', The Daily Herald, St. Maarten. Pg:9
1995 July- 'In My Own Write!, Conversations with Ruby' by Erna Mae Francis. The St. Maarten Guardian, pg: 5-6
1994 May- 'Bards for the Festival', The St. Maarten Guardian, pg: 13-14.
1992- 'Ruby Bute, Tale of a Concert, In Son's Courtyard, Fete - Celebrating St. Martin's Traditional Festive Music, by Lasana M. Sekou. House of Nehesi Publishers, pg: 41-43. 1991 Oct 'Caribbean Author Visits Cheshire' by Mary Beltrami, The Cheshire Herald, 1986- 'Artists and Models', Discover St. Martin/St. Maarten Magazine N*14, pg:23
1986-> 'Art on St. Martin', Discover St. Martin/St. Maarten Magazine N*4, pg:111-118,